Torrione di Porchia

Indirizzo: Frazione Porchia
Località: Montalto Marche

The Tower is located in Montalto delle Marche. The structure of pentagonal defense by mighty escarpment at the base that was intended to absorb and deflect the blows of the mortars, is crowned with battlements of invoice ghibellina built above a row of corbels where the defenders could, shelter, work, and fight back. Of fourteenth century, was updated in four remedied, in addition to the massive escarpment, also of different bomber and loopholes. Which functions as a control tower, organized from the defenses of the village. The side facing the interior is without cover walls. Very dramatic in its place, it was once surrounded by other buildings now demolished, that went to make up the defenses of the upper part of the country. Fairly well maintained, and home clock citizen, can be visited via the steep wooden stairs that lead up to the top deck.

Altri monumenti a Montalto Marche

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