Esposizione delle Pagliarole

Indirizzo: Via del Cavaliere, 50
Località: Acquaviva Picena

The dialect word ” pagliarole ” refers to a typical element of the local : Acquaviva survives in fact the ancient art of making baskets out of straw , the so-called pagliarole . It is not unusual , especially in the summer , the old women of the country , on the doorstep , cast off the straw of wheat with formidable skill , using an awl . All work is performed by holding the straw and crolle immersed in water to make them more flexible processing . The process is long and laborious because it provides earlier stages for the preparation of the materials : straw, willow and cannetta Wild . The pagliarole , in very different forms , are used as sfarinapesce , sieves , fruit bowl , door knitting , laundry baskets and ornamental plates . But once the pagliarole could also become the cradles.

Altri monumenti a Acquaviva Picena

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