Sciò la Pica

Località: Monterubbiano
When spring is at its height, on the feast of Pentecost, the historical festival of the Armata di Pentecoste takes place in Monterubbiano. Though it is difficult to date the origins of this festival accurately, there are 16th century documents which attest to its historical authenticity and an origin which dates back to the “Ver Sacrum”, the sacred Piceno spring, which attributes to it an very long uninterrupted historical continuity. According to the tradition handed down by Plinius, Festo and Strabone, young Sabine populations who at different times left their home because of a sacrificial vow, perhaps because of a plague or drought, arrived in the Piceno area before the expansion of Roman civilization by following the flight of the Woodpecker, a totem bird which was sacred to the god Mars and commonly called Pica. The eco of these events is heard in the name of Monterubbiano’s festival Sciò la Pica. During the historical procession, a group of farmers (zappaterra) wearing the traditional “guazzarone”, a coarse cloth tunic, re-enact the ancient custom of shooing the woodpecker with the branch of a cherry tree, cut for that specific purpose at dawn by the young townsmen. Along with this tradition, the Armata di Pentecoste remembers the medieval tradition of St. Mary of Assistance’s intercession in freeing Monterubbiano from the slavery imposed by a tyrant.The morning of Pentecost, a splendid procession of ladies and knights followed by their armies consisting of young people chosen from the ancient guilds of the town, enter the square from the 13th century town hall. All participants wear period clothing. The height of the festival takes place Sunday afternoon, at the medieval tournament, la Giostra dell’Anello ( Joust of the Ring), during which horsemen challenge each other in a competition that requires ability and skill. The conclusion of the joust is signalled by the shouts of joy of the winning guild. The following Tuesday, in San Rocco Park, townspeople celebrate at the so-called Baccanals, celebrations that remind us of a Piceno pagan ritual.


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