Torre Civica

Indirizzo: Piazza Roma
Località: Castorano
Telefono: 073687132
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Undisputed symbol of the community, the keep of Castorano overlooking the castle and the surrounding countryside. Present already in the fifteenth century, it was restored in the sixteenth after a disastrous foray of Fermo who captured the castle and it damaged the various defensive structures. The tower is built near the church of St. Mary of the Visitation which, behind a deposit of money, obtained the right to use the summit as a bell without depriving it of its offensive capability; hence the interesting construction of a keep-belfry. Pentagonal shape with the tip pointing towards the east, is crowned with battlements false poorly made. Below are the mouths to bombards of the fifteenth century, while the upper floors open the vents. Obvious is the lack of drains and equipment for the defense pouncing. The side that faces the square in front of the church you can see, incorporated into the walls, the remains of the fifteenth-century tower. Currently the building is used as a bell tower, clock tower, as well as room for exhibitions.

Altri monumenti a Castorano

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