Ponte d’Arli

Indirizzo: Frazione Arli
Località: Acquasanta Terme
Telefono: 0736801262
Email: comune.acquasantaterme@anutel.it
Sito web: www.comune.acquasantaterme.ap.it

Called “Old Bridge”, crosses the river Tronto, is built with masonry interamenente “conformation humpback” and valuable are its architectural features and construction. It was the only pedestrian connection between the hamlet Ponte d’Arli and the ancient Salaria and witness a transit of that means of transport such as carriages and stagecoaches. The “Old Bridge” was built in 1572/1580 by the Masters Com’acini in respect of all the canons of construction of arch bridges of blocks of travertine, building system used by the Romans in all the bridges on the Via Salaria. Its construction became necessary due to the collapse of the Roman bridge in town Rionile, following the exceptional flood of the River Tronto in 1570, called Full of St. John. Its remains can still be admired. In addition to its quality construction and architectural, the “Ponte Vecchio”, with its streamlined shape creates a perfect harmony with the surrounding landscape, emphasizing its high environmental value in relation to the use of travertine as a building material typical of area.

Altri monumenti a Acquasanta Terme

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