
Indirizzo: Via Nuova, 1
Località: Maltignano
Telefono: 0736304122
Sito web:

The origin of Maltignano can be placed between 90 and 89 b.c, when its territory was donated to a Roman duumvir: Publio Maltino Basso, from whom the town derives its name. For many centuries Maltignano remained a mere patrician private possession, probably a kind of country house. Later on, its name reappeared in documents n the year 800, when Caharlemagne donated this property to the Capitolo of the Church of Ascoli. Thus Maltignano became a Barony, a peculiarity which gave the town a unique role within the Medieval institutional panorama. Not very much remains today of the old inhabited nucleus, which before 15th – 16th centuries was concentrated around the Castel on the little St.Maria Church located in its interior. Such remains are limited to parts of the tower, city walls and the entrance to Porta Marina. Santa Maria Church, named St. Maria delle Grazie after rebuilt in 1947, houses a precious golden cross, from the 16th century. Worth visiting outside the town is the Church of the Certosa so called because it originally belonged to the Carthusian Order.


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