
Località: Force
Telefono: 0736373132
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Force, located 690 meters above sea level, is one of the many natural balconies in the Piceno. It probably owes its name to the nature of its location: a sort of “fork” between the Aso, Tronto and Tesino valleys. It was founded in the 5th century A.D. from neighboring populations escaping from the barbarian invasions of Goths and Lombards. Between the 10th and 11th century Force becomes part of the abbey of Farfa. Since 1239, it aimed to establish itself as a free commune, but had to come to terms with the expansionist ambitions of the town of Ascoli to which it was often submitted and later it was finally under the obedience of the papal rectors. In 1571 it was subtracted from the farfense rule and, in 1586, it became part of the town of Montalto. Thanks to Pope Pius VII in 1804 it was raised to the rank of city. Eloquent evidence of the medieval era is the imposing gate Tower of St. Francis (one of the three gateways to the town) built in the early 14th century, guarding the road leading to Ascoli. The Church of ST. Francis, rebuilt in 1882 on an earlier Romanesque structure and designed by Giuseppe Sacconi, still shows the bell tower and the lions of the old portal. In Square Vittorio Emanuele II, is the 18th century Palazzo Comunale, with porch and tower, and the Church of St. Paul (17th century), with the Romanesque apse of the old church (12th century) and works by Simone De Magistris. Nearby is Palazzo dei Priori, with an arched loggia of the 16th century. Palazzo Canestrari houses the Museum of Sacred Art (Sistini Museums of the Piceno) and the Copper Museum. The Church of St. Thaddeus has part of a beautiful Romanesque mullioned window as well as an old wooden statue of the saint, later adapted to a Crucifix (14th century). Worth visiting is the Verrucci Cottage, built in an eclectic oriental style by architect Ernesto Verrucci (1874-1945), who obtained from the King Fuad Ist of Egypt the title of Bey (Governor), thanks to his services as architect  in chief. The Convent of the Franciscan Sisters, has a beautiful terracotta portal and travertine windows. Force’s fame is given by local important tradition of artisans working copper. One of their peculiar characteristic of the past was their language, known a  “baccaiamento” which they used to communicate during fairs and markets, to protect their professional secrets.

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